Jobs Forum Rules

Jobs Forum Rules

In order to keep this channel useful, its rules need to be a bit stricter than other channels. Please respect these rules while contributing to this channel, and best of luck finding your new teammates!

1. Only share jobs you have a direct connection to

You must have a direct connection to the posting or position you are hiring for. You don't have to be the hiring manager, but "sharing just to share" doesn't provide any value beyond searching on a job site.

2. Do not spam

We want the jobs channel to not appear to only have your postings on it. A good rule of thumb is to post no more than once a week.

3. Adhere to Colorado laws

You must provide specific salary information for each position, in accordance with Colorado's Equal Pay for Equal Work Act. Even if you think you found a legal loophole, you still have to provide this information.

4. Provide ample information

Each job posting must contain at least the following information:

  • company name
  • title
  • description
  • requirements
  • salary (see previous rule)

5. Keep conversations contained

If you have a question about a specific posting, please engage on that particular posting and not on other postings or in other channels.

6. Have an accurate and professional profile

We need to know who you are if you are posting a job publicly. We're in an age when scam job listings are unfortunately prevalent, and people interested in your posting need to be able to verify your identity.