Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


Welcome to Colorado Tech Community! Please review these rules before participating in our community.

1. Follow the Discord rules

Our community operates on Discord, so please respect the Discord Community Guidelines (opens in a new tab) and Terms of Service (opens in a new tab).

2. No harassment or bigotry

This is a harassment-free place for everyone, regardless of sex, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of other members in any form.

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to any of those, as well as sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Users asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

3. Respect other people – don't be a jerk

CTC is a community of professionals and friends, and we want to build a safe space for everyone to interact. Please help us by being respectful of other users at all times. In a broader sense, please do your best to not be a jerk.

We're deliberatly leaving this vague, because we want to leave it up to you to use your best judgment. If you're not sure if something is okay, ask yourself: "Would I say this to someone's face?" If the answer is no, then it's probably not okay to say it here.

We have a page, The CTC Way, where we offer guidelines on how to interact in a non-exclusionary way. We deliberately seperated these from "rules" because we would much rather you think about good communication as a skill to be improved rather than a rule to be followed. You may miss the mark sometimes and that's OK with us as long as you're trying!

4. Debates and arguments

In our industry, we often debate the pros and cons of various technical choices. This is good, as it creates a productive discussion. We want you to feel safe discussing these topics here with other users.

When discussions get heated, please remember to focus on the arguments and not the people you're talking to. It's Ok to not be "nice" neccessarily but let's definitely not be "mean" and make personal attacks. Users who act like a jerk in an argument may be asked to step back and cool down.

  • 🟢 "I think Rust is a great language, but I don't think it's a good fit for this project." - This is a good example of a constructive argument. Definitely OK on CTC's server.
  • 🟡 "I used Rust on a pretty major project, and to be honest it sucked." - Not nice, but also not targeting a person this is OK on CTC's server.
  • 🔴 "At this point, I genuinely think you're an idiot if you use Rust! It's an overhyped language with no future." - Mean because calling someone an idiot is a personal attack. This is NOT OK on CTC's Server.

5. Keep content safe for work

As a group of professionals in tech, we want to make sure that people can touch base with our community while in a workplace setting.

  • ✅ Cursing
  • 🔴 Sexualized imagery
  • 🔴 Sexually explicit content
  • 🔴 Violent content
  • 🔴 Illegal content

When in doubt, use the Discord spoiler feature (opens in a new tab) to hide your link or attachment. (Wrap your content in ||, e.g. ||spoiler content||, to hide it from view.)

6. No spam or unsolicited promotion

Don't post in CTC about giveaways, pyramid schemes, or stuff you're trying to sell or promote. If you think it's relevant to our community, message the admins to ask before posting.

Moderation Policies

The admins of CTC are here to make sure that people have a fun and safe time together. They are not here to enforce a specific regime or abuse their power, and they are expected to work toward building our community.

Possible actions that admins may take against users include:

  • Speaking to the user
  • Warning the user
  • Temporarily banning the user ("time-out")
  • Permanently banning the user

Admins are expected to use their best judgment to make these decisions. When possible, admins will collaborate as a group when deciding what action to take. When necessary, admins are empowered to take the actions necessary to keep the community safe.

If you think that an admin is treating someone unfairly, please reach out to someone else on the moderation team. They will start a conversation and figure out what is going on.


Thanks to these other Codes of Conduct which served as inspiration for ours: